The 2013 Rich List: Yes, Some Musicians Still Make a LOT of Money.
Every year around this time, Billboard publishes the incomes of the top earners in music. Here’s the Top 10:
1. Taylor Swift – $39,699,575.60
2. Kenny Chesney – $32,956,240.70
3. Justin Timberlake – $31,463,297.03
4. Bon Jovi – $29,436,801.04
5. The Rolling Stones – $26,225,121.71
6. Beyoncé – $24,429,176.86
7. Maroon 5 – $22,284,754.07
8. Luke Bryan – $22,142,235.98
9. P!nk – $20,072,072.32
10. Fleetwood Mac – $19,123,101.98
Not a lot of rock on this list, is there?
The top Canadian on Billboard’s Top 40 is Justin Bieber (#11, $18,873,458.41) followed by Michael Buble (#17, $14,478,084), Celine Dion (#23, $12,755,539.71) and Rush (#35, $9,0050,583.42). (As FYI Music points out, Deadmau5 should be here. Didn’t Forbes say he made $21 last year?)
The most surprising placing to me? New Kids on the Block at #29 with 2013 earnings of $,938,526,56. I guess that reunion was worth it.