A Great Question: How Much Time Do Fans Spend on Their Phones During Shows?
We’ve all seen scenes like this:
It’s come to the point where many acts (Jack White, Green Day, Yeah Yeah Yeahs) implore fans to put their phones down and be in the moment. Some artists want an outright ban of this sort of thing.
So how big is the problems? Digital Music News has some data:
Ticketfly commissioned Harris Poll to survey concert-going adults to find out how much they use their phones at shows.
Some of the biggest findings show that 31% of adults ages 18-34 use their phones during half of the show or more. Yikes. No amount of pyrotechnics can pull these hipster eyes away from the tiny screen. Dudes! There are performers literally feet from you pouring their hearts out for your entertainment for which you paid money to see… and you’re diffusing this experience by starring at it through a mini piece of glass? Ah well, I’m a purist who ain’t going to change this trend. So what can we do? What are the actual numbers?
Keep reading. SPOILER: If you’re a female millennial, you spend WAY too much time looking at your little screen.