A Toronto vinyl pressing plant pivots to making PPE
Hospitals, caregivers, and people who work in the service industry are scrambling to find enough personal protective equipment. Fortunately, some industries are pivoting to help the cause.
Microforum Vinyl usually spends its time pressing vinyl records. But two things have buggered up the process. Vinyl sales are in real trouble (down about 25% from this time last year) because of the coronavirus. And second, remember that fire at the Apollo Masters Plant? That California factory was one of two in the entire world that supplied lacquer masters for the vinyl pressing industry. No lacquer masters means big problems making new LPs.
While all this gets sorted, Microforum Vinyl has pivoted to making plastic face shields from the polyvinyl chloride that had been destined for fresh new records.
The Microforum Face Shield has been approved by Health Canada and are now on their way to people who need them.
If you need face shields for your company, Microforum will happily fill all kinds of orders here.
(Via FYIMusicNews)