AJMT’s Zoe picks the top 5 songs from the inbox 2021

Artist: Fleece
Song: Losing Time
Album: Stunning & Atrocious
In last year’s end of year wrap up, I predicted that that Fleece’s upcoming 2021 album Stunning & Atrocious would become an all time fave. I didn’t speak too soon – Stunning & Atrocious is front to back perfection. It’s filled with a warmth, charm, and depth that further enchants with every listen. I was thrilled to get Losing Time in my inbox this year because I will never miss an opportunity to hype up what I believe to be one of the sharpest and most heartfelt indie bands around.

Artist: Anna Leone
Song: Once
Album: I’ve Felt All These Things
Anna Leone is a singer/songwriter powerhouse and one of my all-time favourite inbox finds. The quality of her songs don’t betray the fact that she has only just released a debut album – the lyrics are stark and sincere, the compositions are moving, and the vocals are heart wrenchingly, unforgettably soulful. It’s music that is simultaneously intimate and powerful. I can’t wait to hear what else Anna Leone has in store.

Artist: The Greeting Committee
Song: Can I Leave Me Too?
Album: Dandelion
The Greeting Committee’s 2021 album Dandelion is everything that indie-rock at it’s best should be. They have grown into sharp and purposeful songwriters, with deeply authentic lyrics that make them stand out above the crowd as one of the best indie-rock bands around. Can I Leave Me Too is a brilliant example of their ability to take lyrics which are heartbreaking and turn them into a cathartic dance party. With stark lyrics and a chorus impossible not to sing along to, it resonates in a way that is deeply human.

Artist: Lumière
Album: A.M.I.E.S.A.M.O.U.R
Since I discovered this song in my inbox it has been a source of limitless joy. AMITIÉ.DÉCHUE is jaunty, whimsical, and enthusiastic in a way that feels completely sincere and evokes an unshakeable sense of freedom. The music is contrasted by lyrics which speak of the end of a friendship, which I think just makes it even better – happy songs with sad lyrics are the best!

Artist: Alyson McNamara
Song: Got All Night
Album: Let Me Sleep
There’s something so special about this song by Toronto’s Alyson McNamara. It has nostalgic sweetness that lingers like warm honey. The beautiful vocals, captivating melodies, and charming storytelling has kept me coming back time after time.