Music News

The Alarm Celebrate 30 Years

The Alarm

As part of the 5th annual BBC Radio Wales Music Day, there will be a celebration of the 30th anniversary of The Alarm’s first album Declaration.

Frontman Mike Peters worked with the BBC National Orchestra of Wales, conducted by John Quirk, on the orchestration of some of their hit songs from the album.

“In a celebratory concert on April 11th at the BBC Hoddinott Hall, Cardiff Bay, the BBC National Orchestra of Wales will perform classic songs from Declaration as well as some of the internationally acclaimed band’s greatest hits, including A New South Wales, Rain in the Summertime and Spirit of 76.”

And perhaps what would have to be the surprise of the night was U2’s appearance as part of the celebrations. No details on what they performed. The event will be broadcast on the night of Radio Wales Music Day on April 25th.

More details can be found here.

U2 Celebrate The Alarm

Larry Lootsteen

Music is life and I love to write about all things music. Independent music blogger. Writer in general. I am a big fan of alternative and indie music but there's no genre I haven't found something to like.

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