ControversyMusic News

And the inductees for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame class of 2023 are…

After the usual bumpf, hype, and kvetching, we have the list of artists who will be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame this year. Let the arguing and complaining begin.

Note that things are broken up in to different categories. This allows more people to be inducted.

Performer Category

  • George Michael (Winner of the fan voting. And as we all know, nothing says “rock’n’roll” quite like the “Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go” guy
  • Kate Bush (Long overdue. She was 7th in the fan vote)
  • Willie Nelson (6th in the fan voting)
  • Sheryl Crow (8th with the fans)
  • The Spinners (10th in fan voting)
  • Rage Against the Machine (Good. They finished an incredible 11th in the fan voting.)
  • Missy Elliott (13th in fan voting)

Missing from that list (and apparently less rock’n’roll than Sheryl, George, Missy, and Willie) are freakin’ Iron Maiden (fourth in the fan voting) and friggin’ Soundgarden (who finished fifth). Joy Division/New Order was shut out (9th in fan voting) and The White Stripes (12th). Also nowhere to be found: Cyndi Lauper (fan favourite number two) and Warren Zevon (number three).

The Musical Influence Award (aka “They’ll Never Make the Ballot But We Have to Do Something” award)

  • DJ Kool Herc (Hip-hop pioneer. This, after all the 50th anniversary of the birth of hip-hop.)
  • Link Wray (Groundbreaking guitarist from the late 50s/early 60s)

Musical Excellence Award (aka the “We Gotta Give Them Something After So Long” award)

  • Chaka Khan (Finally! After how many tries?)
  • Bernie Taupin (Elton John’s lyricist. Why wasn’t he inducted the same time as Elton?)

Ahmet Ertegun Award (Given to a builder of the music industry)

  • Don Cornelius (The TV producer who created Soul Train back in the 70s. Very influential TV show back in the day.)

The induction ceremony will happen in New York in November.

Alan Cross

is an internationally known broadcaster, interviewer, writer, consultant, blogger and speaker. In his 40+ years in the music business, Alan has interviewed the biggest names in rock, from David Bowie and U2 to Pearl Jam and the Foo Fighters. He’s also known as a musicologist and documentarian through programs like The Ongoing History of New Music.

Alan Cross has 39671 posts and counting. See all posts by Alan Cross

9 thoughts on “And the inductees for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame class of 2023 are…

  • I’m not even a fan of Iron Maiden but its ridiculous that in this list they would not get in.

  • I’m stunned that Sheryl Crow was inducted before both Iron Maiden and Joy Division/New Order.

    I have no issues with Sheryl at all, but come on.

  • And this is why the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame is about pulling in people’s dollars vice contributions to Rock and Roll. Iron Maiden and Soundgarden not being picked is a complete and total joke when non-Rock people/bands are chosen.

  • The Rock’n’Roll Hall of fame is as irrelevant as the Grammy Awards. I don’t pay attention to either.

  • The public vote is only one insignificant component of the voting process for the Hall of Fame. I believe 1 out of 500 ballots. The public winner does not necessarily affect the final outcome.

  • As expected, this whole thing is a farce, and rigged! None of the winner’s are as usual NOT rock and roll!! Willie Nelson? I love Willie, but he’s where he belongs in the Country Music Hall Of Fame! Soundgarden, Iron Maiden, White Stripes, and Rage are the only true actual “Rock Groups” so them not getting in is proof of foul play here! George Michael’s! Are you f***’n kidding me?!? 😡

  • I’m confused that you consider George Michael to be “not rock” but you’re fine with Willie Nelson and Missy Elliot? Also, the White Stripes? The White Stripes?? Are we considering fringe bands and one hit wonders now too?

    • Actually, the inclusion of Willie and Missy confuse me, too.

  • How does a band like Soundgarden and a voice that will always wear the crown ( Chris cornell) not make the list.
    Chris was practically the reason for the birth of Temple of the Dog and brought together a group of singers and genre of music that changed a generation and sound of rock music forever and still! Grunge!

    Definitely a burden in my head
    Fkn Insane


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