My Apologies for the Apparent Clickbait, But Conspiracy Whackos are Saying Chester Bennington and Chris Cornell Were Murdered.
I know, I know. It’s insane. But you know the Internet. There must be one of those laws that say if a situation or event can be explained by a conspiracy, then it will. Nothing in life can ever just happen randomly. There has to be some kind of nefarious plot behind it. People are often more apt to believe a conspiracy because it at least provides a possible answer to one of those things the universe coughs up on a regular basis. If the “explanation” is even reasonably plausible, it will take on a life of its own.
The hashtag #chesterbennington murdered was trending on Sunday which stemmed from a fake story claiming that both Chester and Chris Cornell were murdered to cover up a pedophile ring. More specifically, they were killed because they were both about the blow the cover on a ring of pedos. I quote:
The close friends, who were working on exposing notorious entertainment industry pedophiles, died in the same way – with Bennington’s death taking place on what would have been Cornell’s 53rd birthday.
Please. This site has a reputation of spreading bullshit.
This is fake, fake, FAKE. The article contains unsubstantiated claims and a bogus quote from an anonymous (of course!) quote from within the LAPD.
Not-so-strangely, the author of the article, one Baxter Dmitry, doesn’t seem to be available for comment.
Hey millennial, (I’m talking to the author of this “journailism”) Can you do me a favor and copy and paste Webster’s dictionary definition of the word “conspiracy” into this comment thread? You millennials mindless throw mind control terms around without any clue what they mean. It’s getting annoying. Please look up the word and give it some thought the next time you mindlessly parrot it on line again.