Arcade Fire Releases Track Listing for New Album in Very Unusual Way
I’ve never really understood the point of releasing the tracklisting of a yet-to-be-released album. There’s very little we can parse from most song titles before we can actually hear the songs or read the lyrics, so why bother? The only thing I can come up with is that fans might want to know what new material to expect if they go see the act before the album is released.
That being said, a Twitter account called Everything Now, which went online June 3, has turned the release of the tracklisting for their upcoming Everything Now album into a puzzle game. Follow the tweets. Anyone know of a link where someone has figured everything out?
— win butler (@DJWindows98) June 3, 2017
The @arcadefire asked us not to reveal the #EverythingNow track list, but they didn’t say we couldn’t do ANAGRAMS! So here we go.
— Everything Now (@EverythingNowCo) June 3, 2017
Track one is… New Worse Goth Vinyl. Or maybe it’s Wow Thong Inversely. ?
— Everything Now (@EverythingNowCo) June 3, 2017
Track two is a nice night, aka Worthy Evening. ?️♀️
— Everything Now (@EverythingNowCo) June 3, 2017
Track three is a pretty sibling who hits the links: Fine Golf Sis. ⛳️?
— Everything Now (@EverythingNowCo) June 3, 2017
The next track (sort of track four) is either the highly political “Torturer Of Mecca” or the lost Ibsen play “Rectum, Roofer, Cat”
— Everything Now (@EverythingNowCo) June 3, 2017
Pausing the anagram track list reveal while our lawyers have a friendly chat with the band’s. Stand by for more ‘grams. #EverythingNow
— Everything Now (@EverythingNowCo) June 3, 2017
The request for injunction against track list anagrams was DENIED. Anagrams continue shortly! #EverythingNow
— Everything Now (@EverythingNowCo) June 3, 2017
Track five is when you get mad about Easter candy and go on a “Peep Rant” ????
— Everything Now (@EverythingNowCo) June 3, 2017
If track six was a collab with A$AP Mob (not saying it isn’t) it would be called “My Rich Set.” ?? #arcadeanagrams
— Everything Now (@EverythingNowCo) June 3, 2017
Track seven might be a lost Cannibal Corpse song: “Tenant Fist Infection” ? #arcadeanagrams
— Everything Now (@EverythingNowCo) June 3, 2017
You can make your own #arcadeanagrams too! @AF_0ff1c1al has the spirit!
— Everything Now (@EverythingNowCo) June 3, 2017
Track 8 (sort of, you’ll see) is something you don’t want to hear from your doctor: “Tit Fin Entwines Colon” #arcadeanagrams
— Everything Now (@EverythingNowCo) June 3, 2017
If the band ever remixes track 9 it should definitely be called “Electric Lube.” ?
— Everything Now (@EverythingNowCo) June 3, 2017
Track 10 makes a strange sort of sense: “God Among Odd.” ? #arcadeanagrams
— Everything Now (@EverythingNowCo) June 3, 2017
Track 11 will sound awesome at Burning Man: “Your Nun Mom, Peyote” ?
— Everything Now (@EverythingNowCo) June 3, 2017
And finally (sort of): “Two Revolves Needed.” ? And then you can start again. #arcadeanagrams
— Everything Now (@EverythingNowCo) June 3, 2017
Follow us for more exclusive contractually obligated @arcadefire content. And tell your friends! (Especially those in “the demo.”)
— Everything Now (@EverythingNowCo) June 3, 2017