Artificial Intelligence is getting darn good at making music–and it’s getting better. This is kinda scary.
Computer scientists working with artificial intelligence are fixated with getting machines to make music. And not just any music, either. Songs and compositions with beautiful, intricate melodies that rival those of the best songwriters.
An Australian company called Popgun has a program they call Alice which is pretty smart. Alice “listens” to something played by a human and then responds with musical phrases that go along with whatever the meatbag just played.
This video shows how Alice has gotten better over time. It begins with Alice mimicking the human. Later, Alice starts to improvise on its (her?) own.
According to an interview with, the people behind Alice want to become nothing less than the Max Martin of the AI music world.
We are back on ‘we’re gonna make some hit pop songs over the next couple of years’ now. It’s going to be a new instrument that producers will use. A tool: a more abstracted drum machine. It can play the guitar, the bass and the piano, and each one of those AIs can listen to one another and play together. That’s very new.
Read more here.