Calling all Music Technology Enthusiasts! Our Meet-Up Is TONIGHT (Nov 12)
I’ve just launched a “MeetUp group” geared towards a community interested in making connections, building partnerships, sharing their thoughts, exploring career opportunities, and learning more about how technology affects the music industry (and vice-versa). All are welcome, regardless of their level of expertise in the industry (from first year students to veterans in the Music and Tech industries such as our MeetUp founders and organizers).
And yes, we have secured sponsors so our event is 100% free of charge! (Complimentary food and drinks will be served, hence the need to RSVP.)
If you are not in Toronto, you might still want to join the group and network with our members. And yes, joining the group is also free.
Our first event is on November 12 in downtown Toronto. I’ll see you there.
Check out our poster for details. And here’s our official Meet Up page where people can join the group and RSVP to the event.
A big thank you to Steam Whistle for partnering with our Music Technology MeetUp group and providing the much appreciated beer for our first event.
I’d also like to remind everyone that we have started a waiting list for our first Music Technology MeetUp event. Click here to get your name on the list.
See you there!
Hey Alan, what if I’m not really in the music industry but just want to stick around and listen?
Fine! Come on by!
Awesome! 🙂
Spread the word! Tell your friends!
We would love to offer folks in this group a 15% discount on tickets to Series 10db at McMasters LiveLab.
Great! Send a note here to make arrangements: [email protected]