Music Industry

Champions Greenwood Could Become New Much-Needed Live Music Venue for Toronto

Toronto’s east end could be getting a 2700-person live venue, a new neighbour for the Opera House and Danforth Music Hall. Live Nation has submitted a development application to the City of Toronto outlining plans for a live event venue at the Champions Greenwood off-track betting location.

According to

The renovation would see interior alterations to build on two thirds of the existing teletheatre for the purpose of a space for live performances, including a new partial second floor. The proposed space would allegedly fit 2,700 concert-going patron and facilitate 150 live shows a year”.

The majority of the building is already closed up and with Bestival being a success at Woodbine Park this year, music fans are obviously willing to travel to the city’s east end to see gigs. There’s also plenty of bars, an LCBO, and a built-in audience of nearby residents.

With the opera house capacity at 850 and the Danforth Music Hall at 1500, a slightly larger venue could encourage some larger artists to venture to Toronto’s east end if they’re looking for a decent-sized venue that’s still fairly intimate and not quite as big as the ACC or Rogers Centre.

One thought on “Champions Greenwood Could Become New Much-Needed Live Music Venue for Toronto

  • They do this at other places and the result is always kinda meeeeeeh. Santa Anita in LA does it and is usually the same type of act you see play at casinos all over, ie people way past their prime but with audiences that are nostalgic enough and have the disposable income. Sometimes the track offers a discount if you get there early and catch the last races, etc. All venues are welcome, the more the merrier, but this won’t become in any way a go to thing – unless we have yet another summer festival full of banjos and mandolin wielding mock yokels 😉


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