Music News

Disturbing rumour surfaces about the death of Dolores O’Riordan. And we won’t know anything concrete until APRIL.

How could an apparently physically healthy woman in her mid-40s suddenly die?

While it could be weeks before we get the official cause of death–we’re still waiting on the coroner’s report is not in and the final toxicology results are not complete–rumours have inevitably begun to fly about what killed Cranberries singer Dolores O’Riordan. The lack of information has created a vacuum–and you know what happens then, right?

As we saw with Chester Bennington, Prince, Chris Cornell and so many others, people are seeking a reasonable explanation for an unreasonable situation.

There has been plenty of speculation and reading between the lines. Dolores’ reported recent alleged period of depression. A 2103 suicide attempt. Alcoholism. A painful bad back that required postponement of concert dates. That her death is being couched as “unexpected” by authorities and her family.  That she was found in the bathroom of her hotel suite. No one has reported on the condition of the body when it was found.

We’re going to have to wait for some time. The coroner’s office says that a postmortem has been carried out and they were waiting for the results. However, it will be at least April 3 before we find out what went wrong. That’s a hearing is scheduled to determine when to release the findings.  There is, however, the possibility that Dolores’ family will be informed of her cause of death before them.

There have also been some unnamed sources (including British source who has communicated things to me that I’m keeping to myself because the info is just hearsay) who have leaked information.

Almost no media outlets want to publish anything–except, apparently, the Santa Monica Observer who claims a source inside the London Police Department. Could it be another death by misadventure involving opioids? Or something worse?

Let’s consider the source and not jump to any conclusions until this is properly corroborated and confirmed. But expect the British and Irish tabloids to be all over this rumour. Fast. They hate being scooped.

The whole situation is already sad. Please don’t let become even sadder. Please don’t let this be true.






Alan Cross

is an internationally known broadcaster, interviewer, writer, consultant, blogger and speaker. In his 40+ years in the music business, Alan has interviewed the biggest names in rock, from David Bowie and U2 to Pearl Jam and the Foo Fighters. He’s also known as a musicologist and documentarian through programs like The Ongoing History of New Music.

Alan Cross has 39508 posts and counting. See all posts by Alan Cross

One thought on “Disturbing rumour surfaces about the death of Dolores O’Riordan. And we won’t know anything concrete until APRIL.

  • When I first read about this, the thing that came to my mind was the death of one of my favourite musicians and musical idols, Nick Drake. That was way back in the 70’s, but Nick suffered from severe depression and was taking medication for it, and he also suffered from insomnia. The speculation is that Nick had forgotten he had taken his medication, and when he had gotten up in the middle of the night, as was his habit, he took another dose. It may have been an accident, and probably was, but there are some who say Nick did it on purpose, because after three amazing albums he claimed he had no more songs left inside him, and he refused to perform live or promote himself in any way, and so he just decided to call it a day, at the age of 26. No one knows for sure, except Nick himself.


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