Do NOT commit these music store faux pas
Back when I worked at a drum store, we had an unofficially policy about customers who wanted to play a kit on the floor:
- No “When the Levee Breaks.”
- No “Walk This Way”
- No “Rock’n’Me”
True, this was a bit prickish. But unless you’ve ever had to sit around a music store for hours listening to the same amateurish beats from dozens of (non-buying) customers, you wouldn’t understand.
To put it another way…
Wayne’s World might have been just a movie, but it’s based on real-life experiences. (Rumour has it that Mike Meyers was thinking of Steve’s Music on Queen Street in Toronto when he wrote that scene. Can anyone confirm or deny?)
To avoid any further embarrassment, watch this Loudwire video. Do NOT be like these guys.
Wayne was denied playing Stairway to Heaven.
Is there a copyright law preventing it from being named?
WTF was that??? I’ve seen that movie more times than I will admit and it is ingrained in my memory, and the copy I have at home, that he is denied by the “No Stairway” sign. Poor overdub on this too.
If my memory serves, when the movie was initially release, Wayne was playing Stairway. But upon its VHS release, that was removed. Why? Probably need to ask Jimmy and Robert.
Correct. The initial theater run had him play two notes apparently of stairway. Any more than that and Jimmy and Robert wanted $100k. In the video release it was some non-descript couple of notes but the no stairway sign and line were still in tact. This no slow ride overdub is something new.
I totally get why music store employees would get sick of hearing the same songs. But it seems like they’d have more success converting non-paying customers in to paying customers if the customers were allowed to play what they wanted, rather than what the employees had decided was acceptable.
I’m a bit prickish myself, but if I picked up a guitar in a guitar store and starting playing my favourite riff and I was told that particular song was not allowed, I’d go shop at another store just on principle.
The “No Stairway” was an actual sign in a big Canadian Music store chain in Mike’s hometown of Scarborough, ON. So, no it wasnt Steve’s Music.