Drake Takes On Jay Z – With Fondue

Drake - Jay Z

Basketball and hip-hip are nothing new. And when playoff time rolls around you can be assured of one thing. Someone’s gonna be all up in someone else’s face.

So it goes with the Toronto Raptors Global Ambassador, Drake. He decided to paint Jay Z as a one percenter during a Raptor’s game against the Brooklyn Nets who Jay Z was once part owner.

Using that most classic of rich folk food, Drake called Jay out say he must be “somewhere eating a fondue plate”. All the while Drake was saying that the Raptors are “the people’s team”. Ooooooohhhhh that’s some smack. Okay, not really.

Read more here.


Larry Lootsteen

Music is life and I love to write about all things music. Independent music blogger. Writer in general. I am a big fan of alternative and indie music but there's no genre I haven't found something to like.

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