Ever had your Facebook page hijacked? Here’s what happened with a Canadian musician
Longtime alt-rock fans will know Rational Youth, a band out of Montreal that was initially big in the early 80s and is still a going concern. They released some fantastic tracks backs in the day like this:
Tracy Howe has been the main guy from the beginning. Unfortunately, he’s run into some serious problems with his Facebook page, the primary source of Rational Youth information.
On February 26, he discovered that it’s had been hijacked and stolen by hackers apparently out of Vietnam. They gave themselves admin privileges, booted the existing content, and started posting spam.
Facebook unilaterally took down the page, probably because of its spam content. But despite many attempts at contacting Facebook, Tracy has been unable to regain control, despite being the creator, administrator, and owner.
This obviously was a real problem since this page is his primary connection to over 9,000 fans. And with a new record in the offing–well, you can see the problem.
Hey, Facebook! A little help here?
Thank you Alan.
Awful that this happens. I liked that band and bought a 45″ single.