Geeks&Beats Episode 69 is Ready. You Need Show Notes, Don’t You?
I think our wives are worried about the process by which these podcasts are recorded. You’ll see what I mean.
- A history of porn music! (Totally SFW)
- Poll! 50 Shades of WTF?! Staff writer @MattPadanyi wants to know what movie you’re looking forward to the most.
- 6 high-tech movies that make zero sense. (SPOILER: The Death Star is dumb.)
- Breaking the laws of physics to get to Mars. We’re all for it.
- This week’s Ask Alan Anything segment involves the cheatin’ basards in Led Zeppelin. I defend them. Sort of.
- Where to accents go when people sing?
- The problems with the vinyl resurrection.
- This episode has a co-producer! Yay!
- And it looks like we’ve found a location for our live taping.
- And the new Foo Fighters album “will be EPIC.“
Remember that if you want to leave us a message, you can call (323) 319-NERD. It’s been a while, so let’s have some calls. If you want swag–and I can’t recommend our G&B Travel Mug Miracle Mug of Travelling–go here. Read all the stories posted by our squadron of slave volunteer writers. And subscribe to the podcast through iTunes. If you don’t, you’ll hurt our feelings.
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