George Michael Death Drama: Lover Claims Twitter Hack Responsible for Pointing to Suicide
This one is going to be messy.
Police want to talk to George Michael’s lover, Fadi Fawaz, about a series of tweets that said Michael wanted to “kill himself.” While the postmortem was inconclusive–more tests will need to be done–authorities are curious as to whether drugs had anything to do with his death.
Michael was a known drug abuser with a cannabis addiction (up to 30 joints a day, something that landed him in rehab) along with a dabbler in things like crack and (allegedly) heroin.
While Fawaz is in no way under any kind of suspicion, cops do want to know about those tweets, which he says were the result of some kind of hack. Meanwhile, it’s being reported that Fawaz slept in his car while Michael died alone at home.
It’ll be a while before this celebrity death is put to rest.