Google, Apple sued over alleged patent infringements involved with streaming music technology
Ever hear of Post Media Systems? Me, neither. But they’re in the process of raising hell with Google/Alphabet, Apple, and Pandora (owned by Liberty Media, which also owns SiriusXM) over the technology they use to stream music–technology that they say they own.
Four separate suits have been filed in Illinois that alleged patent infringement against Alan Bartholemew, a software developer and owner of a company called SoniClear which works with digital recording and automated audio transcriptions.
So what’s the beef? The patents in question are vaguely worded and deal with transferring data over networks, tech that Bartholomew says he owns. Like, you know, the Internet.
Bartholomew’s story is that he’s nearing retirement and wants to settle the situation once and for all. He approached Post Media Systems because they brought a similar case against Spotify in 2016. Back in 2011, it secured an US$8 million judgement for Personal Audio when it convinced a Texas jury that Apple had violated some patents.
That’s about all we know about the case so far, so it’ll be interesting if the big tech companies just pay up so everything will go away.
Read more here.