Gord Downie Just Named Canada’s Newsmaker of the Year
The plane from Japan had just landed at YYZ. I flicked my phone out of airplane mode and the messages started pouring in about Gord Downie. He had incurable brain cancer.
From that moment in May, Gord has been in the news almost constantly. The final Hip tour. His Secret Path project. Him being honoured by Canada’s indigenous peoples. The reports about his health. Gord’s story has captivated the nation’s attention for months.
Today (December 22), news editors who are part of the Canadian Press named Gord Canada’s newsmaker of the year. Of those voting, 39% cast a ballot for him. This is the first time in 70 years that an entertainment has been named the number one newsmaker in the land. Justin Trudeau came in second with 27%.
A full report at the Globe and Mail.