Gord Downie and Tragically Hip to be honoured at the Winter Olympics by Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir
Two of the greatest figure skaters ever, Canada’s Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir, are going to perform one last time in Pyeongchang on Sunday in a big gala. Their routine will be choreographed to “Long Time Running” by the Tragically Hip.
Both Virtue and Moir–double gold medal winners at the games–are both longtime Hip fans. From Global News:
“When I think about Gord and I think about the Hip and what they’ve been able to do, it’s kind of the soundtrack to being Canadian almost,” Moir said. “It’s special for us that we get to skate to the Hip, and it’s our tribute to one of my heroes and a guy who was so wonderfully weird, and just how he embraced life.”
This won’t be the first time they’ve used that song. They skated to the Hip song back on October 29 in Regina.
A lot of people love the final skating gala. There are no rules, no judging and no medals so participants encourage to just go for broke.