What Happens When You Cross Bon Iver with Alex Jones? This.
Alex Jones of InfoWars has some interesting, er, viewpoints on what’s really going on. For example, he contends that NASA has kidnapped children for use as slave labour on Mars. He also believes that scientists have been growing babies in cows for years . According to him, the Sandy Hook massacre never happened and he was a big part of the insane Pizzagate scandal.
Lest we forget, Donald Trump is a huge fan of this guy.
With an audience purportedly in the millions, Jones is clearly a scary guy. Time to call in Bon Iver to calm things down a bit. The satire site SuperDeluxe has done just that. We should thank them for this.
Can you link me a single article where the claims of Pizzagate where debunked?
All I have seen is a government cover up, and dirty politics?
Please explain.
Seriously? SERIOUSLY?
I’ll give you this but I don’t suppose you’ll believe it. I’m guessing you believe vaccines cause autism, too. And that NASA is using child slave labour on Mars. Whatever, dude.