Music HistoryWTF?

Have you heard Of these music conspiracy theories?

After this tour through conspiracy theories, you may want to get out the tinfoil and fashion a new hat.

No one trusts anyone anymore. Governments, the media, Big Pharma, the Davos cabal of billionaires, and the Illuminati among others are out to get us, exerting control using disinformation and fear. Okay, maybe not in the real world, but there are plenty of people who believe that nefarious forces are at work. How else can you explain the state of the world?

Let’s just stay in the realm of music. You’ve no doubt heard that Taylor Swift is a Deep State psy-op constructed by the Biden administration, the Pentagon, and the NFL to defeat the forces of Donald Trump. Thought the Kansas City Chiefs won the Super Bowl through talent and tenacity? You sheep.

The fix was in from the start with the participation and cooperation of nearly 1,700 NFL players who sacrificed their bodies every week in the service of the plot. You also have to consider the role of coaches, administrators, and owners. If you do your own research (which can include everything from Easter eggs in Taylor Swift songs to messaged colour-coding to numerology) you will inevitably uncover The Truth.

Okay, back to reality.

The conspiracy-minded have long looked suspiciously at music. Theories have been spun to convince the rest of us that they are correct.

Take Henry Ford, for example, Although he’s still held as one of America’s great industrialists, the truth is that the man was a rabid antisemite. He used his great wealth to publish and spread his vile views for decades. In the Dearborn Independent, a newspaper owned by Ford, he wrote in 1921 “Jazz is a Jewish creation. The mush, the slush, the sly suggestion, the abandoned sensuousness of sliding notes, are of Jewish origin.” Jazz, he believed, was a Jewish plot to push proper music out of society so that…well, I’m not sure what. Corruption of the youth, maybe?

Fast-forward to the 1950s and conservative types were condemning rock and roll was being foisted upon the public by several forces, including communists and music publishers. This continues throughout the 1960s (the damn Ruskies were behind the popularity of The Beatles, not to mention the whole “Paul is head” hoax), the 1970s (punk was a creation of the KGB to destabilize Britain), the 1980s (the Satanic Panic when music was leading people to Beelzebub and pedophilia), the 1990s (the music industry and the for-profit prison industrial complex colluded to send more Black people to jail), the 200os (Jay Z and Beyonce are an Illuminati power couple) and the 2010s (Blink-182’s Tom DeLonge believes that the government is hiding aliens–although he may be onto something.)

Let me throw a few more gallons of gasoline on these fires.

Leonard Cohen was the subject of the CIA’s MK-ULTRA experiments.

One biography details Coghen talking about some special sessions he had with a certain Dr. Robert Hebb, an experimental neurologist at McGill in Montreal. The story is that Cohen was paid twenty dollars a day to lie in a sensory deprivation tank while tripping on LSD. It’s alleged that these studies became the basis for CIA torture techniques that continue today.

Cohen scholars have combed through his writings and have found all kinds of references to electroshock treatments, strange psychiatric experiences, Nazi-like doctors, and horrific secret hospitals. Did that imagery come from personal experiences? If so, was Cohen programmed by these CIA-funded experiments? Is this why he suffered so much from depression that he became a silent monk for six years? Hey, according to Cohen, “Everybody knows.”

Britpop was a mind control invention of MI5 and MI6

According to Kevin Shields of My Bloody Valentine, the Britpop explosion of the middle 90s was a brilliant piece of social engineering by UK intelligence forces. I quote: “Britpop was massively pushed by the government.  Someday it would be interesting to read all the MI5 files on Britpop. The wool was pulled right over everyone’s eyes there.”

Noel Gallagher and Damon Albarn were undercover events? To what end? To prop up Tony Blair and his Labour government?

The Bataclan massacre was a red flag by the French government

There are a disturbing number of people who believe that the massacre of music fans at the Bataclan nightclub in Paris on November 13, 1995, was the work of the French government. Some even believe that undercover operatives gathered up people trying to flee the venue, murdered them, and then used their bodies to stage the scene.

Why? To foment anti-Islam sentiment that would give them an excuse to crank up their power and authority to engage in war in the Middle East and against Muslims everywhere. These conspiracy cranks point to security trills that were happening nearby on the same day, proving that these exercises were just a staging area for the attacks that followed.  There were no Islamist terrorists or jihadists.

And there’s more. Others will point to the special numerological properties of the date of the massacre: the eleventh month, the thirteenth day, and the (two thousand and) fifteenth year. The numbers 11, 13, and 15 allegedly have significance to The Illuminati. I’m not part of that club so that’s as much as I can tell you.

It gets even more crazy-dangerous. A documentary on the massacre claims that Hollywood super-agent Ari Emmanuel (the person who oversees Eagles of Death Metal (the band playing that night) was in league with the Lagardere Group, a French media conglomerate partially controlled by an anti-Zionist group out of Qatar that purchased the Bataclan two months before the killings.

So what? Ari Emmanuel is the brother of then-Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel, Barack Obama’s former chief of staff. Therefore, the massacre must have been orchestrated by the Laradere Group with the help of Ari Emanuel to set up a situation whereby an organized criminal conspiracy could profit from the murders,

No, I don’t get any of it, either. But the people behind these theories are just asking questions, you know?

Alan Cross

is an internationally known broadcaster, interviewer, writer, consultant, blogger and speaker. In his 40+ years in the music business, Alan has interviewed the biggest names in rock, from David Bowie and U2 to Pearl Jam and the Foo Fighters. He’s also known as a musicologist and documentarian through programs like The Ongoing History of New Music.

Alan Cross has 38842 posts and counting. See all posts by Alan Cross

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