
Here’s the latest on the CFNY Spirit of Radio documentary

Back in November 2023, a group of us began work on a proper documentary about the Spirit of Radio years at CFNY-FM (1977-1992) in an effort to properly document that era in Toronto radio, that time in alt-rock, and to remember the people at the station who were part of it. This has been quite the trip.

Where are we now? The film is pretty much done with the exception of nailing down the rights to ONE song that we’d really like to have in the movie and ONE more photo that needs to be licensed. Both issues should be resolved very soon.

What’s next? Finding a distributor. Applying to film festivals (including TIFF). And arranging the promotion and marketing campaigns which should include a limited theatrical release.

Hang in there. A few more months and you’ll get to see it.

Alan Cross

is an internationally known broadcaster, interviewer, writer, consultant, blogger and speaker. In his 40+ years in the music business, Alan has interviewed the biggest names in rock, from David Bowie and U2 to Pearl Jam and the Foo Fighters. He’s also known as a musicologist and documentarian through programs like The Ongoing History of New Music.

Alan Cross has 39684 posts and counting. See all posts by Alan Cross

5 thoughts on “Here’s the latest on the CFNY Spirit of Radio documentary

  • Will the soundtrack (the songs) to the documentary be available for purchase??

  • What kind of rating will this documentary have? How censored will it be?

  • Alan, super stoked that you and the team of super talented folks are putting pens, photos, and video to paper and electrons to tell the CFNY story. Looking forward to seeing this and sharing it with those that didn’t live in the GTA.


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