
If you’re a fan of video game music, here are the songs making the most coin

Video games have become a great platform for promoting music. And if a game publisher wants to include a song, they have to pay to license it. A company called Ebuyer took a look at the highest-earning gaming songs of all time. It uses Spotify streaming data and a calculator tool to estimate how much each of these songs earned.

RankGameArtistSongStreamsEstimated earnings
2DoomMick GordonRip & Tear63,644,520$254,578.08
3Call of Duty: Black OpsTreyarch Sound, Brian Tuey, James McCawley, Kevin Sherwood11554,911,005$219,644.02
4The Last of UsGustavo Santaolalla, Alan UmsteadThe Choice41,851,879$167,407.52
5Grand Theft Auto VThe Chain Gang of 1974Sleepwalking39,088,659$156,354.64
6Assassin’s Creed 2Jesper KydEzio’s Family35,383,893$141,535.57
7Tony HawkSex PistolsAnarchy in the UK33,720,634$134,882.54
8The Elder Scrolls V: SkyrimJeremy SouleDragonborn31,422,280$125,689.12
9God of WarBear McCrearyGod of War29,708,710$118,834.84
10SkyrimJeremy SouleSecunda25,526,507$102,106.03
11Halo: Combat EvolvedMartin O’Donnell, Michael SalvatoriHalo24,779,013$99,116.05
12The Witcher 3: Wild HuntMarcin PrzybylowiczGeralt of Rivia23,743,726$94,974.90
13Mass Effect 3Clint MansellLeaving Earth20,363,894$81,455.58
14Mass EffectJack WallVigil18,035,247$72,140.99
15Halo 3Martin O’Donnell, Michael SalvatoriNever Forget17,281,695$69,126.78
16Death Stranding: TimefallBring me the horizonLudens32,667,388*$57,167.93
17BattlefieldJohan SüderqvistBattlefield One7,484,536$29,938.14
18TetrisHirokazu TanakaTetris Theme5,464,504$21,858.02
19Halo 2Breaking BenjaminBlow Me Away9,670,446*$16,923.28
20The Legend of ZeldaKoji KondoZelda Theme Song9,140,648*$15,996.13
21Super MarioKoji KondoSuper Mario Theme1,493,518$5,974.07

Alan Cross

is an internationally known broadcaster, interviewer, writer, consultant, blogger and speaker. In his 40+ years in the music business, Alan has interviewed the biggest names in rock, from David Bowie and U2 to Pearl Jam and the Foo Fighters. He’s also known as a musicologist and documentarian through programs like The Ongoing History of New Music.

Alan Cross has 39690 posts and counting. See all posts by Alan Cross

One thought on “If you’re a fan of video game music, here are the songs making the most coin

  • It’s a bit strange seeing Anarchy in the UK there … like I’m pretty sure most people are listening to that song aren’t doing it because of Tony Hawk (though if it was like Superman by Goldfinger I think it would be arguable), but for the rest of the tracks the link is undeniable.

    I love seeing Clint Mansell pop up anywhere, PWEI being my all-time favourite band.

    Mick Gordon is so amazing! When playing Doom 2016 I had to look him up; I was wondering if ID had contracted Trent Reznor again like they did for Quake. I was pleasantly surprised to find Gordon had collaborated with a modern industrial band I love, 3Teeth (also featuring Ho99o9):


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