It appears that Meat Loaf was an anti-masker and may have been anti-vax
When Meat Loaf died on Thursday, his family made it clear that they would not be announcing the cause of death. Fine. That’s their decision. But why would they make such an odd statement unless–oh, wait.
Stories are beginning to emerge about Meat’s opposition to wearing masks during the pandemic and a certain amount of carelessness when it came to social distancing. This is from an interview last year in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette:
Thank you so much for your time, and all the best to you.
All the best to you, and you have fun, and if you want to come to the con, come by and say hello. I’m happy to give you a hug. I hug people in the middle of COVID.
You do? You’re not afraid?
Oh, I’m scared to death! You kidding me? But I’m sorry, I understood stopping life for a little while, but they cannot continue to stop life because of politics. And right now they’re stopping because of politics. And on CNN last night, it finally came out that the masks we’re all wearing are useless. But I’ve known that for six months. They don’t do anything. They don’t stop you from getting COVID. They’re just a nuisance and make your nose itch and make it so you can’t breathe.
The only good masks are N95. But we got one, and it was so badly made, the straps were so short, they would go on a child. So we had to go on the airplane with the paper masks and then on the way back, we got a Nazi: “Get your mask on now!” They’re power-mad now.
Oh, God. We’re being controlled by everybody.
Yeah, I know. But not me. If I die, I die, but I’m not going to be controlled.
Oh. He’s not wrong about N95 masks being the better choice, but still…
It’s also documented that he had a lot to say about vaccine mandates in Australia. When Eric Clapton and Van Morrison released an anti-lockdown song, Meat commented: “A song of Great Interest preformed by someone I know named Eric and someone I met named Van. A song of great interest and learning. Listen and Learn. Love you much.”
Just before he died, Meat had to cancel a business dinner because he reportedly had come down with COVID. His daughter posted two weeks ago that some “friends and family” had become infected. However, she also wrote, “Thank their respect for science that they’re all vaxxed, otherwise, they’d be way worse.”
His family has not confirmed his vaccination status.
When Meat got sick, he was said to be in bad shape. If that’s the case, it’s reasonable to speculate that COVID had at least something before his death. He also had a number of comorbidities, including asthma.
The online backlash about Meat’s COVID attitudes has been ugly.
Garbage, speculative journalism. Way to slander a dead guy less than 24 hours after he dies.