It’s Spotify Wrap time again. What did you listen to in 2019?
If you’re a premium subscriber to Spotify, you’ll have received your 2019 Wrapped email by now. It’s the cool/fun/a little creepy summary of all the songs you access via Spotify from January to October. Here’s my top 100. I seem to really like Tool.
And there’s more. Favourite podcasts. (Me: “Ongoing History.” Gotta make sure they’re there). Current songs you listened to the most. (Me: “Fear Inoculum.”) Older tracks that were big with you (Me: Wilczynski, “Cafe Microphone.” I know, That’s weird.)
If you want to compare your Wrapped summary with everyone else, there’s a Twitter account for that.
Meanwhile, if you’re an artist with songs on Spotify, you can go here to claim your profile.
A couple of interesting notes:
- More than 1.2 million artists were listened to for more than 100 hours on Spotify this year
- 169,000 artists were listened to for more than 10,000 hours between January and October.
RAIN reports on their experience with 2019 Wrapped here.