Jon Bon Jovi Accuses Steve Jobs of “Killing Music”
JBV is not a fan of Steve Jobs. In fact, he says that Jobs is “personally responsible for killing music.” This quote comes from the Sunday Times Magazine in the UK:
“Kids today have missed the whole experience of putting the headphones on, turning it up to 10, holding the jacket, closing their eyes and getting lost in an album; and the beauty of taking your allowance money and making a decision based on the jacket, not knowing what the record sounded like, and looking at a couple of still pictures and imagining it. God, it was a magical, magical time.
I hate to sound like an old man now, but I am, and you mark my words, in a generation from now people are going to say: ‘What happened?’. Steve Jobs is personally responsible for killing the music business.
Really, Jon? Really? Are you grumpy because there are kids on your lawn?
(Via Cult of Mac)
I find Bon Jovi’s comments irresponsible. Jobs didn’t kill music. Neither did Apple. Digital tunes were around before Apple simply took it to the next step. Archos was 1 of the 1st to invent/produce the digital mp3 player.
If Jovi thinks that about music, maybe he should have his bands catalogue removed from iTunes?
What Apple did was bring the price of albums down to what they should be. Paying $18 for a CD was ridiculous. $10 or $12 is fantastic. Being able to share it easily within a house from device to computer to TVs or speakers means people will want it more because they can listen to it through a variety of methods.
Not only that, I think Jobs and Apple should be commended (and thanked by Bon Jovi) for creating the largest LEGAL library of music available. Sure, it has faults, but it’s a very large venue for musicians to sell and promote their music.
Jovi should point his negativity to those who started the torrent sharing and illegal downloads. That has hurt music more than anything Jobs and Apple have done. The latter have only stemmed the tide.
Well said Brian.
What Apple killed was the ridiculous paycheque bland commercial artists could receive for putting a record and forcing you to part with your hard earned money only to discover that aside from the one tune you kinda liked on the radio, the rest of the record was utter drivel.
iTunes and the rest of the digital music revolution have given the power back to the consumer who now gets to keep a little more money in their pocket and one less sports car in Bon Jovi’s garage.
Steve Jobs gave consumers the power to control what they wanted to hear and download legally a clean copy. Bon Jovi only had a few good tunes anyways.
Bettie, while I don’t agree with jon’s remark. You should bite your tongue. You don’t become one of the best selling artists worldwide — “having sold more than 100 million records worldwide and performed more than 2,700 concerts in over 50 countries for more than 34 million fans, and be in the songwriters hall of fame” <— wiki and just have a few good tunes..
I DO miss liner notes and lyrics, but I honestly think the music business sticking it’s head in the sand killed music. CD and digital were the music business’ cash cow, then it backfired with the internet and file sharing. Jobs STILL provided the only real mass market success for digital sales in the music business. I love Jon… but really??