Jury Clears Rick Springfield’s Ass of Injuring Woman
Back in 2004, a woman named Vicki Calcagno went to a Rick Springfield concert. She was never the same again.
The claim was this: At some point in the show, Calcagno worked her way towards the stage in order to take a picture of Springfield’s ass. The contention is that her had accidentally came into contact with said ass. The impact allegedly caused a brain injury which has led to a disorder that results in seizures and spasms.
Despite offers to settle out of court, the case chugged along for more than a decade. The longer it went, the more Springfield decided to fight it. Things culminated last Friday in a Syracuse, New York, courtroom when after an hour’s deliberation, a jury found Springfield’s ass not negligent for Calcagno’s injuries. While Springfield offered some comments to the press, the ass had no comment.
Check out the video for additional courtroom drama.