
K-pop star makes second serious wardrobe miscalculation

Chaeyoung is a member of a nine-piece K-pop band called TWICE. As with all K-pop bands, they are coached and groomed and styled and dressed by their management. However, someone got it very wrong this week. Twice. (Not the mild irony.)

The first indiscretion came with Chaeyoung wearing a QAnon t-shirt with the phrase “We Go All,” the second half of the Q slogan, “Where we go one, we go all.” Not a good look. You can see it in this clip. Chaeyoung is the one with the blonde hair,

To be fair, though, the whole Q thing isn’t as worldwide as followers would have us believe. It’s mostly an phenomenon confined to the English-speaking world.

The second oopsie occurred when a photo of Chaeyoung was tweeted with her wearing a Sid Vicious T-shirt. The representation of Sid on the shirt is wearing clothing bearing a swastika. Again, not a good look.

Here’s a good look at both shirts.

Chaeyoung and TWICE’s label has apologize profusely.

Regarding Chaeyoung’s instagram post, we sincerely apologyize for not correctly recognizing the meaning of the tilted swastika in the shirt. We deeply apologize for not thoroughly reviewing it from the label side, being absolutely responsible for this situation. In this regard, we will pay abolsute attention in the future to prevent this situation from reoccuring from our side as well.

So has Chaeyoung.

Hello, this is Chaeyoung from TWICE.

I sincerely apologize regarding the Instagram post. I didn’t correctly recognize the meaning of the tilted swastika in the t-shirt I wore.

I deeply apologize for not thoroughly reviewing it, causing concern. I will pay absolute attention in the future to prevent any situation similar from happening again. Sincerely apologize again.

It is, however, worth pointing out that in many parts of the world–South Korea included (I’ve been there and seen it with my own eyes)–the swastika is still used for its original ancient purpose. It’s a Buddhist symbol that means “all is well.” Swastikas (known as the manja in South Korea) adorn Buddhist temples in many parts of the world.

Still, it’s hard to believe that Chaeyoung (or her stylist) didn’t know about the nasty and offensive side of the swastika.

Note that there hasn’t been an explanation/apology re: the QAnon shirt.

Alan Cross

is an internationally known broadcaster, interviewer, writer, consultant, blogger and speaker. In his 40+ years in the music business, Alan has interviewed the biggest names in rock, from David Bowie and U2 to Pearl Jam and the Foo Fighters. He’s also known as a musicologist and documentarian through programs like The Ongoing History of New Music.

Alan Cross has 39671 posts and counting. See all posts by Alan Cross

One thought on “K-pop star makes second serious wardrobe miscalculation

  • I understand that you’ve been to Korea, but i also spoken to many Koreans and world war II was discussed in class. For her as an adult woman to play dumb and said she does not know what a Nazi symbol is doesn’t make sense. I may be understand the cute thing


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