Kids and Their Music These Days
Old people have always hated whatever the kids are listening to. “Music isn’t what it used to be,” they say. “Whatever happened to good music? Damn kids…”
This complaint is hardly a new one. I direct you to this passage published in 1816 in The Times of London:
The indecent foreign dance called the Waltz was introduced … at the English Court on Friday last … It is quite sufficient to cast one’s eyes on the voluptuous intertwining of the limbs, and close compressure of the bodies … to see that it is far indeed removed from the modest reserve which has hitherto been considered distinctive of English females…[Now that it is] forced on the respectable classes of society by the evil example of their superiors, we feel it a duty to warn every parent against exposing his daughter to so fatal a contagion.
The waltz is a “fatal contagion?” Harsh, dude.
Mental Floss has 15 other examples of how old people believed that the young were ruining everything from fashion to “the art of speaking.”
Sound familiar?