
Lady Gaga and Her Role with the Illuminati

I found this in Pravda, the Russian paper.  I’m not sure if this guy is serious or just taking the piss.  But this being Pravda, you never know.

As Robert Reich, a former Bill Clinton’s counselor said once, we are ruled by the symbols’ manipulators; computer science just served this purpose. We are in the hands of the magi. And what characterizes an audience in front of a magus is that she stays eyes wide shut.

Take modern subculture: it makes no difference between Satanism and pop-culture, and it is mainly antichristian, as I observed recently. This is why we are now surrounded (one would say besieged) by signs of the beasts, weird numbers (11, 666) or parallels (33), sinister tattoos, gloomy colors and dark omens. What was yesterday reserved to an elite of so-called Illuminati is today shown everywhere, and available to anyone, including children (especially children!).

But no force is such submitted to the mark of the beast, in modern economy, than the music business. The art of Pan and of Bacchus is where we find the most exclusive sympathy for the devil, to quote the famous Rolling Stones song, which was inspired by Russian masterwork the Master and Marguerite. Writes John Milton about his Hell:

Mixed dance, or wanton mask, or midnight ball

This is why I submitted myself to the video-clips of lady Gaga.


It could intimidate Satan himself and his pandemonium! Poor satanic majesties, they looked so old-fashioned at once! It remembered me the famous Faust by the great Christopher Marlowe, a poet murdered mysteriously in 1593, and who denounced modern man’s fascination for magic, science, banks and tricks; for we know that we are now surrounded by ciphers, codes, enigmas, riddles. So wrote the Elizabethan poet:

Lines, circles, scenes, letters, and characters;

Ay, these are those that Faustus most desires.

There are of course heaps of geometric figures in Gaga’s clips, and the so-called pink triangle in homage to gays persecuted “graphically” by Hitler. Never forget this guy’s cultural impact: he was the first rock star, as stated Bowie once, wasn’t he? All the guys in this business paid him tribute, from the Who to Galliano. He may be infamous. But who rejects this kind of fame nowadays? That’s the bad romance.

And it just keeps getting better.  Read the rest here.

Alan Cross

is an internationally known broadcaster, interviewer, writer, consultant, blogger and speaker. In his 40+ years in the music business, Alan has interviewed the biggest names in rock, from David Bowie and U2 to Pearl Jam and the Foo Fighters. He’s also known as a musicologist and documentarian through programs like The Ongoing History of New Music.

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One thought on “Lady Gaga and Her Role with the Illuminati

  • Of course she's Illuminati, have you seen the imagery and occult symbolism she parades around in? And the mainstream media promotes the hell out of her as its part of the agenda.


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