Last.Fm Becomes Streaming Music Service Casualty
The streaming music arena has become very crowded over the last couple of years which means it was only a matter of time before Darwin’s laws inevitably came into play. Early this month, announced it was going away. Now, one of the first streaming companies I ever heard about, is closing down its subscription service. It will cease to be April 28.
This will be most annoying to Canadians who used the service. Unlike its bigger brethren–Spotify, Pandora, Beats– was accessible to Canadians. (Hey, kids! Come on over to Songza where I work!)
Here’s their statement:
Hardware devices that currently scrobble, such as Sonos and Logitech Squeezebox, will continue to scrobble as long as the manufacturers support it. We continue to work on new ways to bring scrobbling to every corner of the music universe to make your music home. subscribers are some of the most dedicated music fans out there and we are deeply grateful for your support over the years. We understand that many of you will not like this decision. If you would like to cancel your subscription please follow the steps here or you can request a refund here.
Thank you again for your support.
The Team
Phew, glad the scrobbling service is still intact. Love it and been using it since 2006.