Would You Like to Be a Roadie for a Group of Touring Cats? Read On.
Are you looking for work? Hate your current job? Want to break into the world of entertainment and rock’n’roll? I may have something for you.
There’s an outfit called The Amazing Acro-Cats and it’s just like it sounds: a troop of cats who tour the world performing circus tricks, including a live musical performance by a group called The Rock Cats.
Hey, don’t laugh. They were in a Megadeth video—and they did appear on Stephen Colbert.
The organization is looking for human help that literally involves herding cats along with load-in/load-out and set-up/tear-down duties, general medical treatments, manning the merch tables and driving the bus.
If you’ve made it this far, click on this Craigslist posting for more information. Godspeed.
Dem cats are going places.