Look how we’ve changed the way we access music over the last ten years
You don’t realize how much our music consumption has changed until someone starts pointing out how different things were ten years ago.
Hypebot, in concert with MusicWatch, underscores this point.
Here’s how we got our music back in 2010 (these are US figures, but you have to think that things are similar for Canadians).
- Hard drive sharing/digital lockers, 26%
- Burn and rip music from CDs, 21%
- P2P downloads, 21%
- Paid downloads (pretty much entirely via iTunes), 16%
- CDs, 16%
The most popular device of 2010 was an iPod. Not an iPhone, but an iPod (a Touch, Mini or Shuffle) with 60% of us using one. Does anyone even buy iPods anymore?
Just 34% of us had a smartphone in 2010. Today, that number is 91%.
Ringtones were super hot in 2010. Today?
Ten years ago, only 35% of people streamed music and only 5 million Americans had a subscription to something like Spotify. Now 82% of American music fans stream music.
Read more here.