Meanwhile back in Japan, this apple monster mascot plays metal drums
Mascots–yuru-chara–are a big thing in Japan, so big that Last Week Tonight‘s John Oliver also has a big thing about them.
This apple monster mascot known as Nyango Star (it’s actually a hybrid between an apple and a cat created with the spirit of a dead cat took over an apple) occasionally shows up to jam with BABYMETAL and Slipknot. Its (his? her?) latest video features a performance with Maximum the Hormone with Ryo Kawaita on guitar and bassist Futishi Uehara. This is a big deal in the world of Nyango Star because it’s the first new video from it/him/her in two years.
If you don’t laugh hysterically at how ridiculous this looks, check your meds.
Curious about Nyango Star? Check out this origins documentary.
(Via Kerrang)