Michael Jackson’s Estate vs. the IRS, Round…Whatever
The IRS and the estate of Michael Jackson are little far apart when it comes to determining how much the estate owes in taxes. From TMZ:
— The Estate valued MJ’s likeness at $2,105. The IRS says the value is actually more than $434 million.
— The Estate valued Michael’s interest in a trust that owns songs by MJ and the Beatles at ZERO! The IRS says its more like $469 million.
— There’s another MJ trust the Estate claims is worth $2.2 mil. The IRS says it’s worth $60.6 mil.
— The Estate valued the Jackson 5 master recordings at $11.2 mil. The IRS says $45.5 mil.
— The Estate valued Michael’s interest in a trust that owns songs by MJ and the Beatles at ZERO! The IRS says its more like $469 million.
— There’s another MJ trust the Estate claims is worth $2.2 mil. The IRS says it’s worth $60.6 mil.
— The Estate valued the Jackson 5 master recordings at $11.2 mil. The IRS says $45.5 mil.
See what I mean? Get the full story here.