Most people are totally okay with Jully Black’s lyric change to “O Canada”
There’s been much talk about the subtle change Canadian singer Jully Black made to “O Canada” when she performed it at last Sunday’s NBA All-Star Game. Instead of going with the usual “O Canada/Our home and native land,” she changed it to “O Canada/Our home ON native land.” She sang the truth. Most of the reaction has been very positive. For example:
I do want to point out that she was not the first to make this change. My buddy William Shatner suggested this years ago.
Who is alright with what Jully Black did? Sure it may need to be amended but she was hired to sing the anthem the way it was written NOT her own rendition!
BAD call Jully.
Most? Like 60/40 or 59/41 or was it 51/49 or is it just made up?
I love that she did that.
But before Shatner, Thomas King wrote “our home on Natives’ land” referring to the anthem in his book “Green Grass, Running Water.”
I thought this would be about ‘God’ finally being removed from our silly anthem.
Why does this website think this is a duplicate comment?