How Much is Music Worth to You? Radical.Fm Lets You Decide
How much are you willing to pay for music? Twelve bucks a CD? Ten bucks a month for a stream subscription? A five dollar donation to some virtual tip jar? Ninety-nine cents for an iTunes download?
In the latest move in what looks like to a race to bottom for pricing music, is offering a pay-what-you-want plan. From The Verge: is a Pandora-style internet radio service that adopts a radical approach to the music monetizing conundrum – it asks you to pay what you think it’s worth, either as a one-time payment or a regular monthly fee. It’s sound (pun intended) on many levels – if you don’t listen to a lot of music in a given month, just don’t pay. If you host a myriad of house parties and used day-and-night, you could elect to pay $100. You could equally pay $1.76, $14.21, or nothing at all.
Further reading here. Thoughts?