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New Music From The Inbox – Monday Edition! (Apr 15, 2019): Mounties, Yucca King, Spanish Love Songs, and more!

Artist: Mounties

Song: “Hitchin’ Man”

Album/EP: Heavy Meta

Heavy driving riffs that give way to energetic psych-ey lyrics and an eclectically busy chorus, “Hitchin’ Man” is another musical marvel from beloved supergroup Mounties. The songwriting talents of Workman et. al always churns out interesting tunes, and this single from upcoming long-awaited Heavy Meta is no exception – shifting from one theme to another without losing its cohesive, captivating groove, Mounties keeps its listeners guessing as often as they do dancing.


Artist: Yucca King

Song: “Panic Attack #2”

Album/EP: Popcorn, but also House Fire

Proggy, disjointed alt rock with a healthy helping of modern funk – if only to purposely throw away the groove to throw off the listener. For a song called “Panic Attack” the patchwork, anxious nature of Yucca King’s performance is certainly to be expected: yowling vocals, syncopated rhythms, vanishing instrumentals, and plenty of trippy arpeggiating scales don’t exactly make this head-bobbing listen a relaxing one.

Watch/Listen: Here, because Bandcamp and WordPress don’t get along.

Artist: Spanish Love Songs

Song: “Loser”

Album/EP: Single

Gritty melodic rock with a refreshingly narrative vocal performance, shades of late 2000s emo, and a surprising keys feature, “Losers” does a good job of capturing post-capitalist angst in its snappy four and a half minute runtime. The song’s tone comes almost entirely from vocalist Dylan Slocum’s performance – while guitars and drums wail away, Slocum’s lament draws it all together with his cohesive tale of being trapped in teh cycle of adulting while broke.


Artist: Winona Forever

Song: “Gazing”

Album/EP: FeelGood

Light and jazzy alt pop that fades in and out like a ray of sunshine sifting through leaves in the breeze, “Gazing” is very much a laid-back, navel-gazing kind of tune. Willowy guitars, muted vocals, spaced-out drums, and a deceptively complex structure melt into a peacefully easy-going listen that zips by unassumingly quick.


Artist: Emily Reo

Song: “Strawberry”

Album/EP: Only You Can See It

A sturdy base of The Postal Service-esque chiptunes that blossoms into an expansive burst of sunshiney pop, “Strawberry” is a cute and undeniably strong pop proclamation. Harnessing anthemic lyrics, collectively bombastic samples, and a sneering fed-up attitude, Emily Reo’s new single is a feminist statement planted firmly in catchy pop soil.


Mathew Kahansky

Once upon a time, Mat studied journalism. That's how he became Alan's one-time intern and current-time contributor, and the rest is ongoing history - get it? Mat also studied biology and music, so he has a strangely specific knowledge set that doesn't really apply anywhere other than useless fun facts. He currently works for a music tech start-up in Halifax, and is a big fan of the em dash.

Mathew Kahansky has 297 posts and counting. See all posts by Mathew Kahansky

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