New Music From The Inbox – Monday Edition! (May 22, 2023): Fucked Up, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Kytes, and more!
Every week, we’re sent dozens if not hundreds of promotional emails from agents, PR firms, and hopeful artists containing the latest releases from around the world. From the biggest superstars to the ambitious self-starters we comb through it all to highlight to you what we’ve been digging, the tunes that caught our eye, and the recommended selections that make the notifications worth it. This is New Music From The Inbox! (Short on time? Listen to this article in playlist form!)
Artist: Fucked Up
Song: ‘I Think I Might Be Weird’
Album/EP: One Day
The trajectory of Fucked Up’s development continues to amaze: the Toronto hardcore outfit consistently find new ways to shift and evolve their sound in thoughtful and often surprising ways, including the melodic highs of new single ‘I Think I Might Be Weird’. Vocalist Damian Abraham’s characteristic growl are countered by full-bodied riffs that soar and sear amongst trilling strings, bringing a sophisticated classic rock flair to the snappy tune.
Artist: Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Song: ‘Wolf’
Album/EP: Cool It Down
Six months is slightly long in the tooth to be considered ‘new’ music, but sometimes rules are made to be bent – after all, not our call that the PR folks are choosing to do another push now! For a song like Yeah Yeah Yeahs’ ‘Wolf’ though, we’ll happily make the concession: blaring keyboard runs, splashy and speaker-filling drums, and of course Karen O’s forever-entrancing delivery (during the stomping breakdown in particular) make for a welcome return from the NYC legends.
Artist: Kytes
Song: ‘Help Me’
Album/EP: To Feel Something At All
Laser hits, lush keys, and an expansively poppy guitar hook keep up the energy in the blink-and-you’ll-miss-it ‘Help Me’ from German group Kytes. There’s a surprising aloofness considering the darker lyrical tone of the track – slowly succumbing to reality-breaking insanity is an interesting dance partner to upbeat bopping indie – but what can ya do? Tap your toe to the crisp drum sound and we’ll be just fine.
Artist: SYML
Song: ‘Chariot’
Album/EP: The Day My Father Died
Not that every piece of art isn’t heartfelt or authentic, but sometimes you can just tell when a work has that extra little spark – SYML’s ‘Chariot’ is one of those times. Beautiful choral vocals, SYML’s intimate delivery, and the propelling acoustic guitar and drums sprinkled with dramatic piano chords all bring out the organic vulnerability in this memorable release.
Artist: Petty Human Emotions
Song: ‘Untitled’
Album/EP: Petty Human Emotions
Debutants Petty Human Emotions make an impactful first impression in the raw, melancholic ‘Untitled’. Vocalist James Nardiello frequently stretches – and sometimes outright tears – for notes in an emotive fashion reminiscent of Dallas Green’s calm-amongst-the-storm Alexisonfire performances. ‘Untitled’ doesn’t quite get as hectic as the post-hardcore titans, but it certainly doesn’t pull punches either – particularly in its biting guitar tones.