New Music From The Inbox – Tuesday Edition! (Aug 8, 2017): Dead Heavens, Dead Seem Old, BIRDS, and more!
Artist: Dead Heavens
Song: “Away From The Speed”
Album/EP: Whatever Witch You Are
Maybe it’s the video that convinced me, but this song screams Quentin Tarantino fight scene. Distorted guitars, fuzzy vocals, pounding drums, and a sprawling solo or two keep the energy up in the aggressive, if short-lived, rocking tune. Or maybe the vaguely indie tone would make “Away From The Speed” more suited to an Edgar Wright beat-em-up a la Scott Pilgrim? Either way.
Artist: Dead Seem Old
Song: “Mischief”
Album/EP: Single
Considering there aren’t many moving parts in this minimalistic indie pop track, Dead Seem Old does a great job of pulling off the mischievous feel from the song’s titling. A kick drum, lone guitar, and some clever songwriting are all the group need to produce some punchy snideness. Plus it’s snappy and damn catchy too – rife for replay potential.
Artist: BIRDS
Song: “See It All”
Album/EP: Everything All At Once
A driving tremolo guitar line provides the backbone for “See It All”, a stomping alt-rock tune from Inbox returnees BIRDS. The group draws a snotty and spiteful sound in this particular offering, which makes the head-bobbing they elicit feel all the more vindictive. If you have something to prove to someone, this is the bubbling over before the rally cry.
Artist: Francisco The Man
Song: “I’ll Feel Better”
Album/EP: Bodies In The Sun
“I’ll feel better once I have nothing to hide,” is an ominous tone from a song that otherwise hides it very well. A boppy pop rock tune with strong surf influences, Francisco The Man lets their singer portray all the angst in this one. Some rapid-fire drum fills and a particularly punchy bass fill out the jangly guitars, but don’t forget to pay attention to those lyrics!
Artist: Tancred
Song: “Birthday Candles”
Album/EP: Single
There’s a subtle darkness to this layered pop rock that you wouldn’t guess based on the softer vocals. That apprehensive edge lingers throughout the song…without really ever resolving itself. This is a moody, melancholy tune that pulls you in with its near-cutesy appeal, and rewards you for staying intrigued until the end.
Artist: Trailer Trash Tracys
Song: “Siebenkas”
Album/EP: Althaea
I’m a sucker for bands that include plenty of instruments without overdoing it, and experimental pop group Trailer Trash Tracys definitely pull it off in “Siebenkas”. The instrumental goes beyond gimmicky, though – clever uses of layered percussion, reversing synths, and delicate vocal harmonies paint a softly delicate dreamscape.