New study proves what many of us suspected: Christmas music can be bad for your health
Some people really, really, really get off on the non-stop Christmas music that starts the second we’re done with Halloween. Sometimes it starts even sooner, which is just f**king wrong. (Some Best Buy stores began with the Xmas tunes on October 22.)
And although we’ve never had proof, he endless exposure to songs like Mariah Carey’s “All I Want for Christmas is You” can be hazardous to mental health and can even lead to some kind of mental decline.
A British clinical psychologist named Linda Blair (yes, that’s her real name; no relationship to the actress in The Exorcist) believes that listening to seasonal music on a loop (as in the office or a store) or a steady stream of the stuff coming from the radio can be a trigger for all the stresses that come with this time of year. The music only reminds us of all the things that need to be done in the coming days and weeks. And the earlier Christmas music starts being played, the sooner these stresses set in.
Blair sides with retail employees who have to endure this music for weeks and weeks and weeks. She considers this involuntary exposure akin to something like torture. Taking that into consideration, this British store will not play Christmas music this year to keep its employees from going insane.
The only solution, Blair says, is to STOP PLAYING F**KING CHRISTMAS MUSIC SO EARLY!