A New Way to Pick Up Women: Nickelbacking
Seriously. From Gawker:
Erik von Markovik, also known as Mystery, is “famous” in the seduction community for his skills in picking up women. These practitioners of seduction, often called pickup artists, pride themselves on their ability to bag women using such cool tricks as “peacocking” (dressing like an asshole) and “kino” (touching women without their permission). But now there’s a new term to add to the pickup artist glossary: Nickelbacking.
One of our readers had the unfortunate privilege of meeting Mystery last night at a club. After hitting on her all night, he then texted her this video:
Click here to see it. This can’t possibly work on any sentient conscious woman. Can it?
Wow, That’s a whole new level. With competition like this, it’s no wonder why I couldn’t get a date in high school. I didn’t even have a cool nickname like Mystery… Maybe I’ll call myself “Night Train” from now on.
But she gave him her number?! Why would she do that if she didn’t want the attention?