UPDATE: In Other News, the New Tool Album is Finished. Wait–WHAT DID YOU SAY?
UPDATE: Adam Jones says he was “just kidding.” Never mind. As you were.
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As I write this, it has been 7 years, 10 months and 5 days since Tool released an album. That’s 2,866 days. To put that into perspective:
- That was more than a year before the iPhone was introduced.
- Twitter had been founded just two months earlier.
- That was almost three Winter Olympics ago.
- George Bush still had almost two years to go in his presidency.
However, the wait is apparently almost over. Adam Jones allegedly told a fan at a VIP meet-and-greet before a show in Portland, Oregon, on Thursday afternoon that the new Tool album is “one hundred percent done” and will be released later this year.
Then again, we are talking about Tool. I’ll believe it when I’m holding the CD in my hands.
(Thanks to Greggory and Moe for forwarding this story.)