North Korea Musical Drama Over Kim Jong-Un’s Sister and the Guitarist Security Lapse
Oh, North Korea. You’re just a nutty, horrible place.
We all hate performance reviews, but be thankful that you don’t live north of the 38th parallel. Unless your name is Kim Jong-Un, there’s an excellent chance that you will do something that will get you exiled, sent to a gulag, tortured or executed. And if the sentence is execution, you may meet your death by firing squad, wild dogs or even anti-aircraft gun. Even close relatives aren’t immune to the whims of the chubby Kim.
The latest person to invoke Kim’s anger is his 26 year-old sister, Kim Yo Jung, his head of security. On a recent tour about the country offering his famous on-the-spot guidance, there was an incident at a music festival.
Kim Jong-Un was mobbed by some idealistic kids, something that he blamed on his sister. More worryingly was a field guidance tour to a farm where he was approached by a super-excited musician with a guitar. In the commotion, Kim was nearly bashed in the head with the guitar.
This must not be allowed. Kim Yo Jung has been fired from her security post. No word on whether she’s been fed to the dogs.
(Via The Daily Mail)
May be !