Ongoing History Daily: A Pearl Jam joke
Pearl Jam is one of the most single-minded bands we’ve ever seen. They have a mission and a vision and they’re going to stick to it, no matter what. You can trace that attitude back through their fights with Ticketmaster, their continuing support of various charities and causes, their insistence on allowing taping of their concerts, their releasing of dozens of live albums, and, of course, making music the way they want to.
This attitude is best summed up in a joke Eddie Vedder once told to a journalist in the late 90s. It goes like this: “How many members of Pearl Jam does it take to change a lightbulb?” Eddie’s answer: “Change? Change? We’re not gonna change for anyone! Do you hear me? Not for anyone!”
If you missed the last OHD here is the Ongoing History Daily on Sleep concerts.