Ongoing History Daily: Chester Bennington’s broken arm
Chester Bennington was incredibly devoted to his band. Here’s a prime example.
Early on in a show in Melbourne, Australia on October 14, 2007, Chester fell during a performance of the song “Papercut.” He landed with a straight arm and an open hand. He hit the ground so hard that he managed to break his arm. It was obvious to the rest of Linkin Park that Chester was in a lot of pain.
They said “That’s it. We’re calling off the gig.” But then Chester said, “Well, it’s going to be just as broken in 90 minutes from now, so we might as well play.” So they did.
In fact, the band went on to play all the shows on a tour that swung through Australia, China, Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Thailand, Japan, and South Korea—all with Chester’s broken arm. Hey, the show must go on.