Ongoing History Daily: Roadies turned rock stars
Some people love music so much that they’ll do anything to get into the business. There are a few well-known names who got their start as roadies.
- Kurt Cobain wanted to be close to his favourite band The Melvins so he became a volunteer roadie before Nirvana got going.
- Lemmy from Motorhead works as a roadie for Jimi Hendrix back in the late 60s.
- Tupac was a sometime roadie and back-up dancer for Digital Underground.
- Dead Kennedys singer Jello Biafra humped gear for a couple of bands while living in Colorado.
- And then there’s Noel Gallagher. When he failed an audition to be the lead singer of Manchester band Inspiral Carpets, he was offered a position as the group’s guitar roadie. He held that job for two years before getting fired and taking over his little brother’s band.
Wasn’t Rob Dukes of Exodus a roadie before he took over for Steve Souza?