Ongoing History Daily: The healing power of music
Scientists have known for hundreds of years that sound has an effect on the human body. Even inaudible high-frequency sounds can have some kind of effect on the brain. Hey, there’s a reason trance-inducing music has been around since ancient times. We even know that certain specific frequencies have different effects.
For example, deep bass around 40 Hz can be used to help with Alzheimer’s therapy and dementia. There are also what’s known as “Solfeggio frequencies” that help with the reduction of pain and stress as well as the healing of tissue. And if you’re the kind of person who gets anxious because you overthink everything, audio patterns using 852 Hz seem to help with depression and anxiety.
Bottom line? Never underestimate the healing power of music.
Yesterday’s Ongoing History of New Music Daily was about Eddie Vedder – bootlegger.