Ongoing History Daily: The pizza release
There are different ways of putting your music out to the world in addition to the standard digital version, CD, vinyl, and maybe cassette. But this is the first time I’ve heard about a band releasing a song on pizza. You heard me.
Earlier this year, a thrash metal band from Louisville, Kentucky, named Belushi Speed Ball—part of a sub-sub-sub-genre of metal called “pizza thrash”—I am not making this up—put out a song called “By Favorite Color is Pizza.” It comes in the form of an actual slice of pizza (either New York or Detroit style) that’s preserved in resin. The see-through plastic case features a speaker and a play button. Press the button and you get the song. It’s one of the more interesting indie releases of 2024.
Maybe if they send it over to the UK they’ll be picked up by Domino.